Let's pretend...
We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful what we pretend to be.
- Kurt Vonnegut
This quote's an interesting take on the 'you are what you think' philosophy. It makes me wonder what I pretend to be. My first thought is that I don't pretend to be anything. I'm just me. Most of the time I want to pretend to be like somebody else so that people will like me or think that I'm cool or attractive or smart or whatever. But, I don't. At least I don't think I pretend. But does my everyday behavior come across as something different than how I truly am. Am I authentic and true to how I really am?
Then on the other hand I wonder if I *should* pretend to be those qualities that I want to be so that I can become them. You know the whole happy hypocrite thing... But, I don't.
So I'm still just me... take it or leave it... But I do so want to change some things about myself.