November 1, 2007

A new leaf

I've been wanting to be more faithful to my blog and so when I read on Janece's blog that it's NaBloPoMo (which I'd actually heard of before) I thought that I would jump on the bandwagon. From NaBloPoMo:

"What the heck is going on here?" you ask. Well, it's pretty simple. You get yourself a blog, if you don't have one already -- and don't mind me if I'm stupefied at the idea that there's someone left in the English speaking world without their own blog. Then you look at the calendar, and when the whole world goes, "Oh, I can't believe they're already playing Christmas music in the warden's office!" you'll know it's November and that is the month in which you post something to your blog every day, in accordance with the National Blog Posting Month challenge!
While I'm not one of the last people in the English speaking world without a blog... I've had it for 2 years!! I just haven't posted on it with any regularity.

And the reason for the lack of posting?

It's not for interest in blog reading. I love reading blogs. If I had tv I would definitely be addicted to reality tv. I just love getting a view into other peoples' lives. I love seeing how other people respond to situations. I love seeing how people think. I do know that most reality tv isn't really 'real' but it still fascinates me. I remember years ago flipping through the channels and coming across MTV's Real World and just being sucked in. So fast forward to now... I find myself up until the wee hours of the morning thinking to myself, "I'll read just one more post and THEN I'll go to bed."

The real reason for the lack of posts is my perfectionism. I'm embarassed that my blog doesn't look good. I could stick with just a blogger template, but my sense of individuality won't let me, but my lack of knowledge of html prevents me from doing 'exactly' what I want. I'm trying to change and not let my perfectionism be a hindrance to me doing things that I want to do... but that's a post for another day! ;-D

So this is post #1... a post of new beginnings... a place to start and learn and change... a new leaf!

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